It would be hard to find a person who works in a business anywhere on this planet who doesn’t know what ROI means. From agribusiness to zoos, middle managers and VPs know they need to document a strong return on investment whenever they advocate for new expenditures, programs, or staffing to their c-suite. Should ROI […]

Many companies measure and track customer satisfaction via Net Promoter Score or another type of satisfaction instrument. While these tools are effective at determining satisfaction levels and tracking changes over time, they typically do not identify what is actually driving customer satisfaction. We often use Kano analysis to reveal those drivers. It considers both the […]

Presently, it seems like everyone is involved in innovation. What most people discover is that more than just a good idea is needed to realize success. Innovation must be grounded in human needs, competitive in the current market, and profitable. Market research can help in all of these areas, from identifying unmet user needs, to […]

I’m just a soul whose intentions are good Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood.  (Animals) Generations receive a great deal of attention from social scientists and marketers. They are often, however, broadly characterized and sometimes misunderstood. Fueling or implying these generational stereotypes in your marketing, communications, or organizational processes can hurt your employee engagement, […]

Four Factors that Most Impact Online Survey Completion Rates Survey fatigue is a real thing.  Marketers and researchers operating in the B2B world and niche consumer markets are often challenged to reach their sample goals.  Maximizing completion rates (number of participants who pass through the qualifying screening questions and then complete the survey) is one way […]

When business planning for 2018, did you invest resources in updating your organization’s market analysis? Prioritizing this work regularly, even annually, can pay off in market share, revenue, and profitability. Often, when an owner launches a business or an executive joins a company, she will spend a great deal of time analyzing the market, customers, […]