Adults in the 55+ age group make up a large and growing market that needs to be considered in your marketing efforts regardless of your business. Seniors today are different than seniors past, and they often avoid products and services that negatively stereotype them as old and dependent. There are also many sub-groups within the category of older adults with specific needs, interests, and preferences. Health, goals, priorities, education, and income all affect the lifestyle and needs of older adults. Understanding these segments is key.
At Vernon Research Group, we can help you strategically position your goods or services to appeal to the segment of older adults most interested in your offer. We have helped manufacturers and service providers identify products, packaging, distribution, and promotional efforts that command seniors’ attention and respect.
We have conducted the following types of research programs for senior issues, products, and services
- Investment products
- Political candidates
- Website usage
- Advertising effectiveness
- Travel
- Upscale senior housing feasibility
- Design options for senior residential housing
- Alzheimer’s unit testing
- Food insecurity issues
- Educational programming
- Social services
- Healthcare services
- Retirement and care facility feasibility studies
- Retirement and care facility preference studies
- Testing of various phone apps
- Natural healing product
- Entertainment venues
- Transportation services
Interested in talking with us about research with today’s older adults?
Please contact us today.